Graduate Education

Why Join the WPI-SKCM2 PhD Program?

  • Fusion Research: Conduct cutting-edge research in topology & chirality across scientific disciplines, such as math, physics, chemistry, biology and more.
  • Outstanding Mentors: Work with top minds in Japan & globally.
  • Fully Funded: Stipends, startup research funds & travel support available.
  • International Opportunities: Stay & work with overseas PIs for up to 6 months.
  • Sustainability: Contribute to projects that tackle knotty problems, such as climate change.

For more details, see the FAQs.

Internship opportunities to conduct research in Japan

The WPI-SKCM2 InternKNOTship Program is an academic internship that provides opportunities for young researchers from all over the world to stay in Japan and perform experiments and develop theories in collaboration with WPI-SKCM2 PIs. Participants can request financial support for travel to and accommodation at Hiroshima University for 3 weeks to 3 months, with a maximum of 6 months total. For more information, please see the InternKNOTship
