InternKNOTship Program

The SKCM2 InternKNOTship Program is an academic internship that provides opportunities for young researchers from all over the world to stay in Japan and perform experiments and develop theories in collaboration with WPI-SKCM2 PIs. Participants can request financial support for travel to and accommodation at Hiroshima University for 3 weeks to 3 months, with a maximum of 6 months total. We encourage applicants to combine their stays in Japan with WPI-SKCM2 winter/summer schools, conferences, or symposia. If necessary, participants can also request a suitable stipend to compensate for the funding they would typically receive from their home institutions during the InternKNOTship.
Through this program, overseas participants will contribute to the lively exchange of young talent at WPI-SKCM2 and expand WPI-SKCM2‘s international research network. Certificates will be issued to all successful participants to acknowledge their inclusion in the WPI-SKCM2 ‘family.’ We anticipate that the internKNOTship will lead to sustained collaborations with WPI-SKCM2 members.
Before applying, candidates should contact our WPI-SKCM2 PIs or co-PIs and develop a detailed plan of research activities for the entire duration of their stay. Click here for more information and to apply.