Mizuho KoikeCo-Principal Investigator
Cosmochemistry, Planetary Science
Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Assistant Professor
Mizuho Koike's research aims to understand how and when our solar system and planets (including Earth) formed and evolved. To answer this question, she is investigating extraterrestrial materials using the latest chemical and isotopic analytical techniques.
Mizuho's Website
What I like about my science
Small rock pieces that came from the space, meteorites, have recorded the 4.6 billion-year solar system history. The meteorites tell us about the solar system formation, evolution of Earth and other planets, as well as the origin of life including ourselves.
Mizuho's Website
What I like about my science
Small rock pieces that came from the space, meteorites, have recorded the 4.6 billion-year solar system history. The meteorites tell us about the solar system formation, evolution of Earth and other planets, as well as the origin of life including ourselves.