
Andreas Faisst (California Institute of Technology): Unveiling the Mysteries of the Early Universe with a Synergy of ALMA and JWST [Core-U Seminar]

Faculty of Science, E203 & Zoom

For obtaining a complete picture of galaxies, multi-wavelength
observations are crucial to observe their stars, gas, dust, and
chemical composition. With Hubble, JWST, and ALMA operating at
the same time, we find ourselves in an era where we can jointly
observe the UV, optical and infrared light. In my talk, I will
present recent results obtained by the synergy of these
observatories on the properties of starburst and main-sequence
galaxies, active galactic nuclei (AGN; supermassive black holes),
and the most dusty galaxies during the cosmic dawn. As part of
this, I will introduce the contribution of three new programs with
JWST (ALPINE NIRSpec/IFU program and MIRI/MRS polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) survey) and ALMA (CHAMPS 1.2mm
survey) with which we will study the chemical compositions of
z=4-6 galaxies, search for the most dust-obscured sources during
the Epoch of Reionization, and measure for the first time spatially
resolved PAH dust emission in z=1 galaxies. I conclude by
highlighting the important future contributions to these topics by
the next generation of infrared space telescopes, including

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Meeting ID: 685685634

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