
Minoru Eto (Yamagata University): “Supersymmetric” topological plankton

Hybrid, VBL 204 & Zoom

Radiolarians are sea plankton that live in oceans around the world and are no more than 1mm in size. Although radiolarians are single-cell organisms, they have a silicon-based skeleton with a very attractive shape. More than a hundred years have passed since radiolarians were discovered, but it is still not completely clear (as far as I know) why they came to have such a complex skeleton. To answer the question, it seems necessary to understand the skeletal structure and clarify what characteristics it has. In my talk, I would like to explain my attempt to physically and mathematically model the skeletal structure of radiolarians using topological solitons in supersymmetry motivated gauge theories, which is completely different from previous approaches.

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