
Surajit Dhara (University of Hyderabad): Liquid Crystal Colloids: Role of Topological Defects in Self-Assembly and Transport

Hybrid, VBL 204 & Zoom

Topological defects have been objects of intense studies in various disciplines, starting from cosmology to condensed matter, optics and more recently active matter. Colloidal particles dispersed in liquid crystals create elastic distortion and act as elastic multipolar sources that result in a variety of topological defects. The defect-decorated particles interact via anisotropic elastic forces which can be exploited for creating colloidal assemblies with complex architecture. Another interesting manifestation of the liquid crystal colloid is the ability of the particles to propel due to the breaking of symmetry in electrohydrodynamic flows. Studies on motility and collective dynamics of such particles as active colloids are natural experimental and theoretical challenges. In this talk, I will present a summary of our recent works on liquid crystal colloids, a fast-growing area in soft matter research for directed assembly and controlled transport.

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