WPI-SKCM² 2023 Winter School

The hybrid lectures will be held in VBL 204.
The Zoom login will be the same for all talks in the Scientific Program:
Meeting ID: 915 3427 1902
Passcode: 803070
Information Guide About the Winter School
*We strongly urge all interested applicants to apply as soon as possible, as available accommodations are filling up quickly and cannot be guaranteed. Accommodations are arranged on a first-come, first-served basis.
Dates: Mon, Dec. 11, 2023 – Fri, Jan. 12, 2024
Who: The Winter School is mainly targeted at graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows who are within the first three years after defending their PhDs, as well as advanced undergraduates. However, we also consider applicants in different circumstances, such as early-career professionals from industry who have an interest in the topics covered in the Winter School. The School is open to all; however, applicants seeking funding must apply to be selected.
Form of the school: Hybrid
SKCM2 members are expected to participate in person during non-holiday days. Non-SKCM2 members receiving funding are required to participate for 2 of the 4 weeks in-person at Hiroshima University. One of these weeks should encompass a full program schedule. For the other weeks, remote participation for lectures is possible.
Funding: Travel and accommodation support is provided for a select number of participants. Please indicate your request for funding on the registration form above.
Special Events: Please see Career Forum and Miyajima Outreach Symposium for more details about each event
The SKCM2 Winter School will provide an interdisciplinary experience for young scientists to learn from and alongside world-class researchers in fields related to knotted chiral meta matter. The Winter School will cover topics in metamaterials, knot theory, topological solitons, chirality, soft matter, magnets, colloids, polymers, quantum materials, biomaterials, proteins, active matter, origins of life, energy efficiency and others.
The Winter School aims to provide interdisciplinary expert training that may not be easily accessible within the traditional system of graduate education and postdoctoral apprenticeship. It will consist of lectures and hands-on trainings, for example, at the Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center at Hiroshima University. Additionally, there will be one poster session per week to enhance discussion and further exchange of knowledge. Each participant will be invited to present a poster on his/her current research project. The Winter School will also provide opportunities for participants to learn about and explore Japan.
*Please see here for the Titles and Abstracts.
If you are a member or a participant of this event, please click here for the program with links to all resources (password required).
Invited Speakers
Javier Campo (CSIC)
Claire Donnelly (SKCM2, Max Planck)
Takeharu Haino (SKCM2, HU)
Shang-Te Danny Hsu (SKCM2, Academia Sinica)
Katsuya Inoue (SKCM2, HU)
Bart Kahr (NYU)
Tamas Kalman (SKCM2, Tokyo Tech)
Lou Kauffman (U Illinois at Chicago)
Akio Kimura (SKCM2, HU)
Yuya Koda (SKCM2, Keio)
Yuka Kotorii (SKCM2, HU)
Reiko Kuroda (Chubu U)
Yi-Hsin Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Xin Liu (Beijing University of Technology)
Lech Longa (Jagiellonian University)
Boris Malomed (Tel Aviv U)
Elisabetta Matsumoto (SKCM2, Georgia Tech)
Koichi Matsuo (HU)
Alenka Mertelj (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
Chiho Nonaka (SKCM2, HU)
Yuta Nozaki (SKCM2, Yokohama National U)
Taichi Okuda (HU)
Eleni Panagiotou (Arizona State U)
Hiroshi Sato (SKCM2, RIKEN)
Tomohisa Sawada (Tokyo Tech)
Yasutomo Segawa (Inst for Molecular Science)
Kenta Shigaki (SKCM2, HU)
Kenya Shimada (HU)
Yair Shokef (SKCM2, Tel Aviv U)
Ivan Smalyukh (SKCM2, CU Boulder)
Mykola Tasinkevych (SKCM2, U Lisbon)
Shinichi Tate (SKCM2, HU)
Masakazu Teragaito (SKCM2, HU)
Kyota Yasuda (SKCM2, HU)
Qiwen Zhan (USST)