
Register soon to learn from leading scientists in fields related to knotted chiral meta matter!

The WPI-SKCM2 Winter School runs from Monday, December 11, 2023 to Friday, January 12, 2024 at Hiroshima University and online.  

The Winter School’s overarching objective is to provide fundamental interdisciplinary education related to knotted chiral meta matter. The Winter School will cover topics such as knot theory; solitons; chirality, knots and their role in defining physical properties; as well as applications of liquid crystals. Invited tutorial speakers include: Drs. Bart Kahr, Lou Kauffman, Alenka Mertelj, Andrey Leonov, Katsuya Inoue, Dora Altbir, Qiwen Zhan, Boris Malomed, Javier Campo, Tomohisa Sawada, and Yasutomo Segawa. These researchers and WPI-SKCM² PIs and co-PIs will also present research presentations to showcase the cutting-edge research in topics related to knotted chiral meta matter.  There will be 2-3 tutorials or seminars per day.

Additionally, we aim to foster an environment that encourages collaboration and knowledge exchange, similar to the renowned schools hosted by institutions like KITP and the Newton Institute in the USA and the UK. The School is also an opportunity for researchers from around the world to learn about Japanese life and culture.  

Young researchers, particularly post docs and graduate students, from around the world are welcome to apply for funding to participate in the Winter School.  We encourage all interested participants to apply as soon as possible as accommodations are running out quickly!  For more information see:

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