
Ivan I. SmalyukhSKCM² Director, University of Colorado at Boulder
Topological solitons, knotted matter, predesigned building blocks of matter

Shinichi TateAdministrative Director, Steering Committee Member
Molecular Biophysics

Katsuya InouePrincipal Investigator, Deputy Director of Education, Steering Committee Member
Experimental Material Sciences, Chemistry & Physics

Hikaru YabutaPrincipal Investigator, Deputy Director of Science, Steering Committee Member
Cosmochemistry, Geochemisry

Takeharu HainoPrincipal Investigator
Chiral Supramolecular Chemistry

Kenta ShigakiPrincipal Investigator, Internal Advisory Board Lead, Steering Committee Member
High Energy Nuclear & Particle Physics

Andrey LeonovPrincipal Investigator
Condensed Matter Theory, Skyrmionics

Yuka KotoriiPrincipal Investigator, Deputy Director for Outreach & Dissemination, Steering Committee Member
Mathematics (Topology, Knot Theory)

Kenta KurodaPrincipal Investigator
Solid state physics, momentum-space topology in quantum matter

Hiroshi SatoPrincipal Investigator
Chemistry, material science

Claire DonnellyMax Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry of Solids, SKCM² Principal Investigator
3D topology in magnets, nanoscale imaging

Elisabetta MatsumotoGeorgia Institute of Technology, SKCM² Principal Investigator
Geometry and topology of soft matter